About the girl

Hi my name is Mara Barros and i’m a photographer and a visual designer, based in Lisbon. I always felt curious about people and about the world. So, I’m currently based in Lisbon, but dreaming of travelling the world working wherever the passion for Photography and Design takes me. Yes, I grew up to become both a Photographer and an visual designer. No shame on loving both: it’s like, during the day I run my work like Clark Kent at the agency…  And during the evening I give my best shot as Superman, on my own.

My passion keeps me busy and eager to know more people, growing through collaborations and complementary arts to heat things up – as I believe the solid professionals do.

Here I showcase my work, from photo reports in art venues,  soulful portraits, to visual concepts. I wrap myself in each and every environment, being mostly quiet and just observing, trying to capture the best moment I can. And with those two in hand, I hope to give you my fullest very soon.

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